Born in 1960 in Chennai, S. Ravi Shankar initially didn't show a natural inclination towards art. Unlike his elder brother Bhavani, who studied under their father, the artist C.L. Subramanyam, Ravi Shankar was steered towards becoming an engineer to provide financial stability for the family. However, his fascination with the fishermen's children and their adventures at sea ignited his imagination, which later became a significant theme in his art.
Ravi Shankar is best known for his paper cut relief sculptures. He completed his Diploma in Fine Arts with a concentration in Graphic Design and Print-making from the Government College of Arts & Crafts, Chennai. His technique involves using a laser to meticulously cut geometrical shapes in several layers of paper, which are then assembled into intricate relief sculptures. This method showcases his precision and creativity, setting his work apart in the contemporary art scene.
Over the years, Ravi Shankar has held several solo exhibitions. Notably, in 2012, he presented “Back to My Childhood” at The Noble Sage Gallery in East Finchley, London, and in 2010, “A Tribute to Life” at Gallery Archana in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. These exhibitions reflect his journey and the thematic depth of his works, which often draw from personal experiences and childhood memories.
Ravi Shankar’s art is collected internationally, appreciated for its unique blend of technical skill and evocative storytelling. His works resonate with viewers, offering a glimpse into the vivid world of his imagination and the simple yet profound scenes from his surroundings.
Born in 1960 in Chennai, S. Ravi Shankar initially didn't show a natural inclination towards art. Unlike his elder brother Bhavani, who studied under their father, the artist C.L. Subramanyam, Ravi Shankar was steered towards becoming an engineer to provide financial stability for the family. However, his fascination with the fishermen's children and their adventures at sea ignited his imagination, which later became a significant theme in his art.
Ravi Shankar is best known for his paper cut relief sculptures. He completed his Diploma in Fine Arts with a concentration in Graphic Design and Print-making from the Government College of Arts & Crafts, Chennai. His technique involves using a laser to meticulously cut geometrical shapes in several layers of paper, which are then assembled into intricate relief sculptures. This method showcases his precision and creativity, setting his work apart in the contemporary art scene.
Over the years, Ravi Shankar has held several solo exhibitions. Notably, in 2012, he presented “Back to My Childhood” at The Noble Sage Gallery in East Finchley, London, and in 2010, “A Tribute to Life” at Gallery Archana in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. These exhibitions reflect his journey and the thematic depth of his works, which often draw from personal experiences and childhood memories.
Ravi Shankar’s art is collected internationally, appreciated for its unique blend of technical skill and evocative storytelling. His works resonate with viewers, offering a glimpse into the vivid world of his imagination and the simple yet profound scenes from his surroundings.
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